Main providers and employer providers who receive funding directly from the ESFA need to submit individualised learner record (ILR) data every month. But the process of producing this data is time consuming and is a major pain point for providers. This article explores some of the challenges faced when producing compliant ILR data and looks at how the Rubitek Core platform simplifies this.
Do you dread ILR submission time?
It’s that time of the month again, when main providers and employer providers write off any number of days as they set about creating their ILR return data. It’s time to turn off the music, lock the door and hide from all distraction…. Remember last time? You didn’t update the records for 5 of your learners who were on a break in learning. That’ll be a clawback. And then when you tried to submit the ILR, you watched the spinning wheel of doom and held your breath, only to be told your ILR wasn’t well formatted. Or perhaps you managed to upload your data, but generated a list as long as your arm of errors and warnings, and you had no idea how to resolve them?
Does this sound all too familiar? You are not alone!
What information does the ILR contain, and why is it so difficult to produce?
If you deliver apprenticeships or other further education / work-based learning in England and receive funding directly from ESFA you need to submit ILR data every month, so the ESFA can calculate your funding. Submitting the data is quite straightforward, but producing it, well that’s a different matter altogether.
A compliant ILR file contains the necessary information about your learners and must be up to date, reflecting the status of every learner. Producing the ILR is time consuming and challenging, particularly if you’re using multiple disparate systems. Maintaining data in more than one place can lead to errors, and records that are not updated in real time will generate compliance issues. An ILR that contains errors may generate validation errors and warnings which could impact funding, or could simply be rejected.
ILR data must be submitted in line with the ILR submission dates. If on top of this you have errors to correct and no idea where to start coupled with the threat of missing the claim deadline and therefore no funding for the month, the pressure is really on!
You can view the ILR data returns schedule here:
Rubitek Core produces the ILR quickly and efficiently.
The clever brains at Rubitek have built the Rubitek Core platform which generates a fully compliant ILR file with just a few clicks. It’s not a bolt on, or an added service. It’s part of the system and is available to customers at no extra cost.
Rubitek Core is a complete, cloud-based apprenticeship management platform with a real time interface for employers, training providers and learners. It is the only system designed with apprentice completion at its core and features a built-in ILR tool that generates your data quickly and efficiently. No need for multiple disparate systems which means you can spend more time supporting your learners, and less time producing data. Hooray!
If you’d like to be able to produce your ILR in just 3 clicks, which is all it takes, please contact to find out more.
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