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1.  Policy Statement

This document is the Complaints Policy and Procedure (the Policy), and it outlines Rubitek's commitment to maintaining the highest levels of excellence.  The Policy and supporting procedures outlined are designed to ensure that, if we fall short of the high expectations our Stakeholders have for us, we investigate what has happened and have an opportunity to rectify any mistakes we may have made. 


2.  Objectives

The primary objectives of this policy are to provide a transparent and efficient process for handling complaints, ensuring that any instances where our performance falls short of expectations are thoroughly investigated. By promptly addressing and rectifying any mistakes made, we aim to enhance our relationship with customers, partners, suppliers, learners and other stakeholders (the Stakeholders), fostering trust and confidence in our Company. 


Through this policy, Rubitek seeks to continuously improve and deliver exceptional experiences, maintaining our position as a reliable and customer-centric provider of learning and learning management solutions. 


3.  Scope

This Policy encompasses all aspects of Rubitek’s operations and interactions with Stakeholders.  It covers complaints related to any aspect of our provision and our learning management solutions, including software, customer support, training, and other associated services. 


This Policy does not cover complaints from Rubitek Employees, who should use the Grievance Policy and Procedure.


4.  Definition 


A complaint is a clear expression of dissatisfaction, or criticism, about the standards provided by Rubitek, and requires a formal response. A complaint may be in the form of a formal (written) or informal communication outlining concerns, grievances, or dissatisfaction with specific aspects of Rubitek's products, services, or conduct. 


Effective complaint handling is crucial, so that Rubitek can address and resolve issues promptly, maintain Stakeholder satisfaction, and identify areas for improvement. By addressing complaints in a fair, transparent, and responsive manner, Rubitek can build trust, strengthen customer relationships, and enhance its overall reputation. 


4.  Informal Complaints Procedure


In many cases, an issue will be raised, and resolved, informally.  An informal, practical, and sensible approach should be taken to resolve the issue.


Following notification of an informal complaint, an appropriate member of the Rubitek team (the responder) will log the complaint and respond to the complainant within 3 working days with an explanation or apology.


The complainant has 5 working days following receipt of the explanation or apology to confirm that they are satisfied with the resolution, or to request the complaint be escalated to Formal Complaint at which point the Stage 1 Formal Complaint process will commence.


If neither of these are received, the complaint will be closed.


5.  Formal Complaints Procedure 


If a complaint cannot be resolved informally, or if a formal complaint is received, the formal complaints procedure must be followed.  Formal complaints will be logged and may be selected at random for review by the CEO.


Formal complaints can be made in writing to: 


Rubitek Solutions Limited 
Vanilla Business Suites 
42 Coventry Road 
Market Harborough 
LE16 9BZ 


Or by email to: 


Or by telephone to:  0330 133 0540 


The process for formal complaints is: 


Stage 1 


If a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the complainant should put their complaint in writing (either by letter or email) and send this to, or to the address detailed above.  On receipt, Rubitek will log details of the complaint in the complaint log.


The written complaint should set out the details of the complaint and detail any consequences as a result of the complaint, along with details of the remedy sought by the complainant.


Rubitek will acknowledge all formal complaints within 2 working days of receipt.


Formal complaints will be investigated by authorised Employees who may interview any relevant people involved.


The complainant will be notified of the outcome of the investigation and decision within 10 working days of receipt, the only exception being where the nature of the complaint requires a longer period of investigation.


If any part of a complaint is upheld Rubitek will respond to the complainant accordingly and give due consideration to how any improvement can be made in the future.  For example, by reviewing procedures or arranging for internal training.  In extreme circumstances, internal disciplinary procedures may be exercised where the performance or behaviour of one or more Employees is deemed to have contributed to the complaint.


Stage 2


If a complainant is not satisfied with the initial response to a complaint, they can request a review of the investigation and response.  This should be made in writing to Rubitek’s CEO (either by letter or email) who can be contacted by email at, or at the address detailed above.  On receipt, the CEO will log details of the request in the complaint log.


The CEO will acknowledge receipt of the review request within 2 working days of receipt.


The CEO will review the original complaint and the outcome from the original response within 10 workings days of receipt, the only exception being where the nature of the review request requires a longer period of review.  If the review determines that the matter requires more detailed investigation, the complainant will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter, and when they can expect a full reply, and who they will receive this from.


All documents and communication relating to a complaint must be saved and stored securely in the Complaints folder on SharePoint. 


6.  Vexatious Procedure 


Whilst every effort is made to address a complaint and resolve it to the satisfaction of all parties, if Rubitek considers a complaint vexatious in nature (that is a complaint pursued, regardless of its merits and considered to be unreasonable, without foundation, frivolous, repetitive, burdensome, or unwarranted), the Company may cease to investigate it any further. 


The decision as to whether a complaint is vexatious rests with the CEO. 


6.  Roles and Responsibilities


All Employees have a duty to ensure Rubitek maintains the highest levels of excellence.  Any Employee who becomes aware of a complaint should report the matter to the Customer Support Team without delay.  The Customer Support Team is responsible for overseeing the effective handling of any complaints in line with this Policy.   â€‹


7. Updates


This Policy is version 1.3 and was last updated on 24th November 2023.  Responsibility for updating and dissemination of this Policy rests with the Directors.

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